What Are “Home Modifications?”

If you’ve read “The Log,” our resident newsletter, you’ve seen the notice about pre-approval requirements for home modifications. In a nutshell, if you plan to make any exterior modifications to your home, you must first have your plans reviewed and approved by the Design & Use Review Board (DRB) before taking action, per the CC&Rs and DRB guidelines for Point Hope.

But what are “home modifications?”

Exterior home modifications include any changes to your home that are viewable from the street and/or neighboring homes. These include:

  • Paint color changes - siding, doors, shutters, porches, fences, etc.

  • Fences - new and/or alterations to existing fence

  • Porches & patios

  • Garage door or window changes

  • Landscaping changes

  • Pools

The review process starts when you submit a completed Residential Modification Form with appropriate application fee to the POA office. The form, which has additional details, can be accessed here.


Decking the (Outdoor) Halls at Point Hope


Using the Trails at Point Hope