Landscaping With Native Grasses


Residents at Point Hope know that a commitment to the natural environment is one of the guiding principles behind the development of our community. One of the many ways that planners and landscape architects are ensuring the integrity of the natural landscape as neighborhoods, roadways and parks evolve is through the use of native grasses in landscaped open areas.

Planting with native grasses is a growing practice for home landscapes, and it’s also increasingly being used (and in some cases mandated) by municipalities and planned communities. Although it takes longer to establish than traditional turf grass, the long-term benefits make native grasses a superior solution for common areas from both an environmental and maintenance perspective. In time, the results are intended to be both striking, cost-effective and environmentally-friendly.

The reasons for sowing expansive common areas with native grass rather than turf grass are numerous:

  • Native grasses like the lovegrass used along Point Hope Parkway and at the entrance to First Light only require mowing once a year, drastically reducing the ongoing costs for maintenance.

  • Native grasses require less chemical applications, making them a smart environmental and economical choice.

  • Lovegrass and other native grasses require much less irrigation than turf grass.

  • The grasses and native plants used in these areas have pollinator benefits, attracting bees and supporting a natural habitat for birds, butterflies and beneficial insects.

  • Native grasses help with improved erosion control, particularly important for pond and lake banks.

  • The use of native grasses contributes to improved water quality in our lakes and ponds due to the reduction of chemicals and introduced nutrients.

  • The native grass landscaping here will flower at different times of the year, providing added beauty and interest.

Achieving the desired look of landscaping using native grass can take more than one growing season, so it’s important to be patient. In the long run, it’s a striking look that our community and others will find is an excellent solution for creating beautiful and environmentally sound common areas.


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